
UnderstanD abouT immune System..

Transfer Factor™ is a vital immune factor brought to us directly from Mother Nature. Every mother that breast feeds her infant passes on her immunity, all of the information her immune system has gained in her lifetime. This process begins with the first milk, called colostrum. The most valuable of the “immunity weapons” in colostrum are called transfer factors.

  • It is an IMMUNE IQ to send Information to all the immune cell to Recognise bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus, germ,cancer cell, tumor, fibroid and many more.
  • It is found in colostrum & egg yolk.
  • 1 capsule (300mg) have the ability to recognise more than 100,000 bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite and many more.
  • The Strength of 1 capsule Transfer Factor™ is equivalent to 75-100 capsule colostrum in boosting our immune function.

Transfer Factor Does Not Cure Disease. Transfer Factor, among other things, brings our body chemistry into balance. "Immune imbalance underlies many chronic illnesses. Because transfer factors can function as immune modulators, they can help restore immune system balance in many type of clinical situations." Kenneth Bock, M.D. Progressive Medicine.

Transfer factors have been shown to boost the immune system, suppress an overactive immune system and act as memory agents for the immune system. Transfer factor's immune strengthening abilities stretch across all facets of health to aid with everything from recurring colds and sore throats, ear infections to chronic infections and the wide range of devastating diseases. 



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